Natural Hair System And Quality Hairpieces at affordable prices
if you have hair loss from Alopecia, Male pattern Baldness, Chemotherapy, or just thinning hair
We have the non-surgical hair loss solution.
The industries most undetectable hair replacement systems
is always well-fitted and is made to fit one’s head perfectly while maintaining a light and airy quality.
It also has to be comfortable and look as natural as possible.
we makes detachable hairpieces by hand. These pieces can be attached onto a head by clips (for areas with hair),tapes(at baid spots) or re-attachment by weaving technique.
your hair replacement system is tailored to fit. Your new unit will be shaped and sized to match your unique balding pattern. It will be color matched, cut and style to blend naturally with your own hair.
Watch the following video demonstration : Molding - Cutting -Design and Styling
For a person with medical conditions such as alopecia, cancer or chemotherapy , I usually recommend light hair wigs with good ventilation to make way for future hair growth.
It is essential to have a hair piece that is very light, with less hair and preferably short. If they are allergic to colour or dye, it is advisable to use synthetic hair. A good wig is light with good ventilation. We use high grade synthetic.
Enjoy the authenticity of your natural looking full head size unit, the Medi Cap System!
Hairsetup hair systems tangle minimum after wash. Minimum hair fall-small amount of leave in condition for easy style and comb. 100% human hair. Hairsetup provide quality hair system, texture more soft and natural.
Competitors hair systems tangle, break, hard and fall after each wash. Difficult to maintain. Hair systems need more leave in condition. Not 100% human hair, mix with low quality synthetic . You can compare fake and genuine hair systems by looking at the texture of hair.
The above base made of nylon wool. Some hair club, hair treatment center and salons still used this outdated base. Its itch, not comfortable , warm , sweat not able to tape or clips well. It also damaged the scalp
Maybe you’re a customer of a big retail hair club and are not satisfied with the high prices, contracts, poor quality of the hair piece, expensive monthly appointments and high pressure sales tactics. you’re paying too much for your hair!! You are not satisfied because the hair piece just does not look natural - too much hair and un-natural looking hairline. Or, maybe you are currently wearing a hairpiece now that you are satisfied with but it’s just too expensive. We can copy it for 1/2 the price or less!
Our company sells these hair replacement systems exclusively - these are not the typical cheap, low quality hair pieces you will find many of our online competitors selling, hair club or salons. Beware of buying hair systems thru online. Come and visit us. Seeing is believing!
There’s the full Hair Club story. If you really want hair on your head 24/7 and are willing to put up with the itch, the multi-step morning routine and (according to Mr Lee), the dirty-head smell that becomes stronger and stronger during the weeks between your Hair Club haircuts, then fine, go to Hair Club and pay RM6000/US$1862.35 for a RM1800 / US$540toupee.
Otherwise, accept that you’re a balding man, go get a really good toupee from us, you can shower shampoo our hair piece daily or 1-2 times per week Click here . Save yourself a ton of money and a lot of time and fuss and discomfort. Remember, our hair toupee is very easy maintenance and we will provide you the guidance to maintain the toupee. Free of charge. Click here ‘Learn How To Maintain And Clean Hair Piece’
You can swim, jog, sleep, shower, enjoy your favorite sports or anything in the hair system, and comb your hair into many different styles. You can part from the side or near the center. The hair will look natural in windy conditions. You can use gels. The color will match your hair. You can attach the hair system daily, weekly or monthly. We use human hair or you prefer synthetic . Attach the hair system daily, weekly or monthly. We use human hair or you prefer synthetic . The density is determined at the time of the design.
Hairsetup offer one of the most natural, thinnest base in the world. How we can achieved that? Buying from us is like buying factory direct price,. Once we received your order, we process your orders and sent to our overseas partner factory. Our factory technicians staffs will inspect your order to confirm your order specifications. What you see here is what you get, there are no retouched . You will be able to comb your hair the way you want, back, forward, parted or unparted!
Hair Replacement by HairSetup! No hair transplant needed! Absolute highest quality hairpieces and toupees! Buy locally in Malaysia or call us about getting a hairpiece shipped internationally ; United States of America, Australia, New Zealand, Luxembourg, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, Malawi, Madagascar or anywhere part of the world.
Ready made Men Hair toupee - RM1300- This ready made toupee has a complete front transparent base with mono-filament base, 1 inc lace front for natural looking , single hair per knot giving the appearance of natural hair growth from the scalp. This gents toupee is cleverly designed to allow variation of free style. 100% Human Hair Colour: Medium Dark Brown. Hair uncut, 6 inc, Hair can be color according to your preferences. Base 8 ½ x 7. Hair: medium body waves.
One size only. Limited stock available. Price : RM1300